Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hey It’s me – From the City of New York

Hey  Bro,
So many  summers have gone by since we last met, spoke or remembered each other even faintly.Your vitriolic and virulent commentary  about  the fall of American economic empire(published on your blog), flaunted flagrantly on the face book wall grabbed my attention. Needless to say, it was infuriating, instigating and deplorable.

    For the last seven years I am thriving in the dazzling city of New York, leading an enviable life with the post modernistic value system (A life,I always dreamed and aspired for). I have been honoured with the nationality of the most powerful nation of the world. I know, it would be difficult for the self proclaimed sane souls (with medieval beliefs) inhabiting in the dark side of the world (which you claim to represent) to even comprehend the meaning of the progressive phrase ‘Post Modernism’.

    I am not interested in teaching or telling you about the about the virtues of the ‘Post Modernist value System’ – after all damned ‘Value System’  does not help me in earning the extra dime. What bothers and baffles me most is your predilection for the ominous predictions. Contrary to your chest thumping statements, steel structure of American economic system alloyed with the military doctrine, riveted and rested on the unyielding foundation of strategies (long term and short terms) for global dominance is not going to melt in the heat of global recession or euro zone crisis. America would do anything and everything to accomplish its economic and military objectives – killing a few thousands faceless and nameless creatures are non event in the human history. Just to refresh your memory (you seem to be suffering from amnesia), Iraq was not invaded for WMD (Weapons of mass destruction) or Bush’s veneration for the ‘Holy Grail of Democracy’ – WMD was actually the weapon of mass distraction effectively used by America to safeguard impending energy crisis. Hope you remember the stunning statement of ‘John Connolly (US secretary of treasury)’ - Dollar is our currency but your problem’ .It is being substantiated by the reaction of Indian political and corporate leaders who are jumping like a ‘cat on the hot tin roof’.
    Hey! Let me stop for a while and have some beer- these kinds of discussions not only dampen my spirit but also impact my appetite for the dinner. Couple of months back (may be winter season in India), I sent you a gift from my own farm that you neither appreciated nor accepted. I am sure; you would be surprised to know that I have fallen in love with the ‘science and art of the farming’. It has redefined the propose of life for me .It gives me immense pleasure, when I log in the social networking website ‘face book’, after getting exhausted  by the turbulent and tumultuous events  of the day. The proud feeling of  ‘Owning a  farm’ , ‘Process of  harvesting a crop’ ,’Healthy engagement of rearing the animals’ is indeed like achieving the state of  ‘Nirvana’  that  relieves  me of all the woes and worries of the modern life .why don’t you become  my neighbor in the beautiful space of ‘Farmville’?, this would  also help to resurrect the  rather dying relationship between us.

     We ‘The Americans’ are big hearted people(though I am not sure about exact size but it may be bigger than ‘Big Mac’) , we consider India as a great nation of philosophers, thinkers and computer professionals. We want India to play greater role in the oilfields of Iran, in the explosive land of Afghanistan and other south Asian countries. Trust me; saving Afghanistan is safeguarding your future energy needs, besides saving the world from the clutches of jihadies (men with big beard and weird sense of dressing). All wise men including me believe that controlling Afghanistan is critical from the perspective of controlling the potential transit route for oil and natural gas exports from central Asia to the Arabian Sea. The Soviets believe that under the rocky, rugged layers of Afghanistan soil , there lies a  natural gas reserve of  5 trillion cubic feet – we do not trust the communists (unlike us, they do not believe in the 'Omnipresent God').As advised by Reagan Reagan, ‘Trust but Verify’ (loose translation of the Russian proverb ‘doveryai, no proveryai’ )is our policy.

    I forgot, but let me congratulate you (though a bit late) without wasting a second, for joining the elite and exclusive ‘nuclear club’ with the launch of Agni –V(ICBM) .We have also signed the nuclear treaties, allowing you to purchase technology and nuclear fuel from us. This is a reflection of our continuous commitment to empower and prepare the developing nations for managing their future energy needs effectively and efficiently .Fear of nuclear disasters should not deter a nation from pursuing the great dreams. Disasters are the nonevents in the history of the nation.

    In spite of our good gesture, great cooperation at all levels, Indian parliament stalled the bill of ‘FDI for Retails’, shattering the wishes of the likes of ‘Walmart’ to contribute to the ‘India growth story’ like a ‘castle raised on sand’. Lady in the ‘white Sari’, I m forgetting her name made such a hue and cry about the small issue as the ‘communists would return to power', if the bill is passed.Honestly, let me admit without an iota of guilt, I could not understand a word spoken by her (did you?, I felt that the humble words  were scared of her whine and shriek and chose to remain within her mouth). Can you imagine a developed nation without a ‘Walmart store' ?.I cannot help, but laugh.

    I felt very bad, could not have dinner (same appetite issue, I discussed earlier) , When the biggest defense deal was awarded to ‘French’ firm. Well! you cannot become ‘Big’ , unless you act ‘Big’

    It is time for my favourite TV series ‘How I met your mother ’, pardon me I hate, being disturbed at this hour of the day.

Hope to see you as my neighbour on ‘Farmville’
Gud  Nite

Monday, June 18, 2012

Morning Raga

Sun is free from the shackle of the night,
Birds are chirping and chanting in the wild

Breeze frolicking like careless damsel,
Leaves are dancing with the boughs that bind

Red rose is whispering to the little butterfly,
Surrounded by thorns, shying like bride

Cacophony of the voices breaking the silence,
Vibrant ‘Life’ is returning from the hide

A beggar has started his struggle for food,
Carrying the bowl, guided by the child

Passionate souls would resume their journey,
With spark in the eyes, spring in the stride

Blessed children are waiting for the school bus,
Poor would be left working on the road side

‘Light of the day’ would ignite the hopes,
Hope of success, resurgence and pride

Not very far from the glamour of the city,
Many would mourn the day of the grind

Search for the livelihood hangs like a sword,
‘Loss of dignity’, is a peril they fight

Islands of pain disappear in the night,
Wounds get open when the Sun unbinds

They pray to God, when the Sun rises to the top,
Protect pride or let the darkness reign the light